America Amplified 2024 Impact Report
America Amplified was originally launched in 2019 to bring community engagement into reporting on the 2020 presidential election. As part of its 2024 initiative, America Amplified worked with Impact Architects (IA) to build a comprehensive impact framework to better understand the real-world impact of stations’ work in the runup to the 2024 election cycle.
To inform the impact strategy and measurement process, beginning in July 2023, IA reviewed America Amplified’s existing data sources and conducted interviews and workshops with staff from across the organization, including product and editorial departments. The resulting impact framework was an adaptable approach to defining impact for the initiative, and was meant to capture both a starting point for the America Amplified and serve as a living document to be updated as opportunities emerged.
America Amplified 2024 Impact Report
Capturing the impact of a complex national initiative to build stronger community engagement in public media during the 2024 U.S. election cycle.
Impact Tracker
Impact Architects offers custom designed impact measurement frameworks and offline impact tracking platforms for newsrooms and organizations interested in better understanding the effects of their work.