Public access research
An Investigative Journalist and a Stand-Up Comic Walk Into a Bar
Co-authored with Caty Borum-Chattoo, PhD, this research, published in the academic journal Journalism, explores the effects of investigative journalism as stand-up comedy on audiences.
The Case for Media Impact, A Case Study of ICIJ's Radical Collaboration Strategy
Research, co-authored with Fergus Pitt and published by the Tow Center for Digital Journalism, exploring ICIJ’s collaborative strategy that aims to maximize the investigation of its global investigations.
KQED Source Diversity Audit
A source diversity audit to set a baseline for voices and perspectives included in KQED content across broadcast radio and television, digital text and audio, including recommendations for ongoing source diversity tracking and future editorial strategy to ensure that diverse perspectives and experiences are included across KQED’s coverage areas and that rich stories are not missed.
The Seattle Times and Solutions Journalism Network Ed. Lab
Research with The Seattle Times and SJN demonstrating the impact of Education Lab coverage in Seattle on coverage in other media, discourse of the teachers’ union, and on policy.
ITVS Indie Lens Pop-Up
Qualitative research to better understand the unique impact of ITVS’s Indie Lens Pop-Up engagement program, finding that in three communities across the U.S., the program provided new pathways for community members to connect across difference and find common ground.
How One Investigation Raised Awareness of Community Health Risks
Research that employed based pre- and post-publication surveys to better understand the impact of The Center for Investigative Reporting’s investigation about the use of fumigants in the strawberry industry.
The Impact of News Interactives
Research at The Center for Investigative Reporting exploring the impact of news interactives on audiences.
The Impact of Hero(ine) (Documentary film)
A qualitative research project about the impact of the documentary film Hero(ine) on communities featured in the film.
Shifting the Narrative About the VA
Content analysis demonstrating how The Center for Investigative Reporting and partners’ coverage of the backlog in benefits access at the Department of Veterans Affairs shifted executive branch framing of the issue.
Market Research: Opportunities in Spanish Language Media (2015)
Market research from 2015 that identifies opportunities in Spanish language media in the U.S., particularly in the digital audio space.
Silicon Valley Community Foundation's On The Table Initiative
Community-based research conducted in partnership with SVCF to understand the impact of the Foundation’s On the Table initiative.
Waves of Change: The Case of Rape in the Fields
Qualitative research demonstrating the impact of Rape in the Fields, a collaborative investigation by The Center for Investigative Reporting, Univisión, KQED, and PBS Frontline.